Upcoming - YWAM Cartagena Colombia
In Jan 2024 I will be moving to Cartegina Colombia to attend YWAM's Training course FCM Foundations of Counseling for Ministry
9/4/20232 min read
My next steps
Since I gave my life to the Lord I always knew that I was called to be sharing the hope of Jesus in missions. Over the years I had a sense that there would be a time that I will be involved in overseas missions full time. In the beginning of 2023 I took a trip to 4 countries – Australia, Singapore, Colombia, and an undisclosed Asian country (religious sensitivity) to seek Gods face and His will about plans for the future concerning missions. During this amazing journey I felt the Lord lead me in the direction of returning to Colombia to a YWAM mission training and sending location in the city of Cartagena. Where I had time during this trip to visit and stay for a few days.
In a way this was not a big surprise but it was confirmation what the Lord had put in my heart for many years about this location.
Back in 2016 I found out about YWAM Cartagena’s FCM (Foundations of Counseling for Ministry) course, where the program focuses on numerous topics such as, roots of rejection and rebellion (plumbline), family systems, attachment and bonding through developmental stages, trauma, and human sexuality. The FCM is a 6 month intensive course. The first part of this training course not only helps equip for counseling as a way to minister but there is also self application and gives room for God to work in our own lives so God can do deep healing in various areas. The second part of FCM there is an outreach initiative.
This brings me both excitement and also challenge. I am excited because there is nothing like knowing you are in the will of God. Also, I am anticipating to see what God will do during this new season. The challenge is that this is a transitioning period that stretches my faith, from going from many years working and in many ways in the comfort of the United States, to now stepping into a new country and culture where everything will be different, and I must trust God will supply all my needs. When I said “Yes” to God to return to Colombia in 2024, I felt like God impressed on my heart, “you will not go in worldly strength, but in my strength.”
During this time of transition, I have also been selling furniture and personal items along with trying to study Spanish. Although the FCM course is only 6 months I do believe this will be a stepping stone into full time missions. Because of this, I am preparing everything here in the United State in view of that. Another confirmation came, as I was praying a few months ago a word came to me from the Lord, “What you will do will not make sense to the world, but it is me.” This same word was later confirmed by two other believers who got that on separate occasions for me. It is exciting as we seek God, he knows how to speak to us. During this time I would ask you to stand with me in prayer in this time of transition especially as I learn the language, raise financial support, and protection from the enemy.